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作者:江苏镇江厚普生物科技有限公司  来源:本站  发表时间:[2015-10-28]  点击:1142

Kruppel-like factors (KLFs) comprise a family of evolutionarily conserved zinc finger-containing transcription factors with diverse regulatory functions in cell growth, proliferation, differentiation and embryogenesis. Individual members of the Sp1-like/KLF family can function either as activators or repressors, depending on which promoter they bind and the co-regulators with which they interact. KLF6, also designated Zf9 or CPBP (core promoter-binding protein), and KLF3 are Kruppel-like zinc finger containing transcription factors. KLF6 is rapidly induced during hepatic stellate cell activation and transactivates a reporter gene driven by the Collagen I promoter, suggesting KLF6 plays a role in the response to tissue injury. KLF3 may play a role in hematopoiesis. The human homolog is a transcription factor involved in haematopoietic differentiation. It binds to the CACCC box.


编号           产品名称

PR-1003     KLF3 Antibody





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